New presidency of the Alliance for VET in Latin America and the Caribbean
At the invitation of the presidency of the Alliance for VET in Latin America and the Caribbean, INFOTEP, BIBB and ILO/Cinterfor, the members of the Alliance and representatives from politics, business and practice discussed the pillars of dual VET at an international conference in Santo Domingo.
BILT publication on vocational education and training in tourism and hospitality
A report and compendium of innovative practice examples have been published after a year of intensive collaboration between some 30 experts from Africa, Asia and Europe, as well as international organisations.
The broshure "Developing Skills for Employability with German Partners – 8 Case Studies of Soft Skills Training" presents eight vocational education and training success stories of German providers worldwide. The publication is available in English.
Labour market and vocational education and training
In times of societal transformation, the interaction between the labour market and VET is facing considerable challenges. This issue of BWP asks how VET can be structured in a way which enables it to keep pace with the speed of the transformation.
Interview on the occasion of International Women's Day: How are women represented in typically male professions in Brazil? Do they need special support? Felipe Morgado reports on the work of the BIBB partner institution SENAI.
We should seize the opportunity to reach 1.3 million young people!
BIBB President Friedrich Hubert Esser was awarded the Georg Schulhoff Prize in November 2023. In his acceptance speech, Professor Esser emphasised that education for democratic citizenship is an important aspect of holistic VET in the face of declining trust in democratic institutions.
The perspective of apprentices in the monitoring of vocational education and training policy
Providing valuable input for education policy decisions, monitoring is essential for evidence-based VET policy. But how is the perspective of trainees captured? This article shows how the perspectives of trainees are systematically captured through surveys in Denmark, Switzerland and Germany.
Can education for democratic citizenship be a task for company-based training?
In the face of political disillusionment, training providers face the challenge of identifying which elements of civic education they can offer without risking being perceived as ideologically biased or manipulative. This article outlines the points of reference offered by the occupational profiles.
Custom tailoring combines creative dexterity, traditional techniques and modern manufacturing. Custom tailors create haute couture and theatre costumes for private clients and stage performances. This occupational profile provides training figures for this profession.
European feedback on the topic 'Quality assurance and qualification of in-company training personnel'
DEQA-VET carried out an EQAVET peer review on this topic in summer 2024. This feedback report summarises the impressions and recommendations of the eight European peers from the EQAVET network.
3rd German-African Forum on Vocational Training and Education
Under the motto "Boosting future skills and partnerships for sustainable growth", decision-makers from education, business and politics, including the education ministers from Benin, Madagascar and Nigeria, met in Berlin on 2 October 2024 for the "3rd German-African Forum on VET".
The labour market and vocational education and training
The labour market and the VET system are characterised by a series of contrary developments. Following an overview of the main challenges and of current trends, it outlines developments on the labour market and training market and presents the ensuing changes for companies.
IT skills are among the key competencies needed to meet the challenges of the world of work. Based on the 2024 BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey, this article shows which IT skills are currently required in the workplace and how the IT skill requirements differ depending on the job’s level of complexity.
Profile of an occupation – technical product designer
Technical product designers conceptualise and develop data models, constructions, 3D models and components. This ensures that ideas and stipulations for products and machines can also be implemented. This profile presents tasks undertaken in both specialisms and figures relating to the occupation.
Transparency is crucial in shaping a European Education Area. Its aim is to facilitate communication between the different national education systems. BWP issue 2/2025 “European transparency instruments” takes a look at different instruments, reflecting their origins and relevance to VET in Europe.
New presidency of the Alliance for VET in Latin America and the Caribbean
At the invitation of the presidency of the Alliance for VET in Latin America and the Caribbean, INFOTEP, BIBB and ILO/Cinterfor, the members of the Alliance and representatives from politics, business and practice discussed the pillars of dual VET at an international conference in Santo Domingo.
BILT publication on vocational education and training in tourism and hospitality
A report and compendium of innovative practice examples have been published after a year of intensive collaboration between some 30 experts from Africa, Asia and Europe, as well as international organisations.
The broshure "Developing Skills for Employability with German Partners – 8 Case Studies of Soft Skills Training" presents eight vocational education and training success stories of German providers worldwide. The publication is available in English.
Labour market and vocational education and training
In times of societal transformation, the interaction between the labour market and VET is facing considerable challenges. This issue of BWP asks how VET can be structured in a way which enables it to keep pace with the speed of the transformation.
Interview on the occasion of International Women's Day: How are women represented in typically male professions in Brazil? Do they need special support? Felipe Morgado reports on the work of the BIBB partner institution SENAI.
We should seize the opportunity to reach 1.3 million young people!
BIBB President Friedrich Hubert Esser was awarded the Georg Schulhoff Prize in November 2023. In his acceptance speech, Professor Esser emphasised that education for democratic citizenship is an important aspect of holistic VET in the face of declining trust in democratic institutions.
The perspective of apprentices in the monitoring of vocational education and training policy
Providing valuable input for education policy decisions, monitoring is essential for evidence-based VET policy. But how is the perspective of trainees captured? This article shows how the perspectives of trainees are systematically captured through surveys in Denmark, Switzerland and Germany.
Can education for democratic citizenship be a task for company-based training?
In the face of political disillusionment, training providers face the challenge of identifying which elements of civic education they can offer without risking being perceived as ideologically biased or manipulative. This article outlines the points of reference offered by the occupational profiles.
Custom tailoring combines creative dexterity, traditional techniques and modern manufacturing. Custom tailors create haute couture and theatre costumes for private clients and stage performances. This occupational profile provides training figures for this profession.
European feedback on the topic 'Quality assurance and qualification of in-company training personnel'
DEQA-VET carried out an EQAVET peer review on this topic in summer 2024. This feedback report summarises the impressions and recommendations of the eight European peers from the EQAVET network.
3rd German-African Forum on Vocational Training and Education
Under the motto "Boosting future skills and partnerships for sustainable growth", decision-makers from education, business and politics, including the education ministers from Benin, Madagascar and Nigeria, met in Berlin on 2 October 2024 for the "3rd German-African Forum on VET".
The labour market and vocational education and training
The labour market and the VET system are characterised by a series of contrary developments. Following an overview of the main challenges and of current trends, it outlines developments on the labour market and training market and presents the ensuing changes for companies.
IT skills are among the key competencies needed to meet the challenges of the world of work. Based on the 2024 BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey, this article shows which IT skills are currently required in the workplace and how the IT skill requirements differ depending on the job’s level of complexity.
Profile of an occupation – technical product designer
Technical product designers conceptualise and develop data models, constructions, 3D models and components. This ensures that ideas and stipulations for products and machines can also be implemented. This profile presents tasks undertaken in both specialisms and figures relating to the occupation.
Transparency is crucial in shaping a European Education Area. Its aim is to facilitate communication between the different national education systems. BWP issue 2/2025 “European transparency instruments” takes a look at different instruments, reflecting their origins and relevance to VET in Europe.
New presidency of the Alliance for VET in Latin America and the Caribbean
At the invitation of the presidency of the Alliance for VET in Latin America and the Caribbean, INFOTEP, BIBB and ILO/Cinterfor, the members of the Alliance and representatives from politics, business and practice discussed the pillars of dual VET at an international conference in Santo Domingo.
BILT publication on vocational education and training in tourism and hospitality
A report and compendium of innovative practice examples have been published after a year of intensive collaboration between some 30 experts from Africa, Asia and Europe, as well as international organisations.
The broshure "Developing Skills for Employability with German Partners – 8 Case Studies of Soft Skills Training" presents eight vocational education and training success stories of German providers worldwide. The publication is available in English.
Labour market and vocational education and training
In times of societal transformation, the interaction between the labour market and VET is facing considerable challenges. This issue of BWP asks how VET can be structured in a way which enables it to keep pace with the speed of the transformation.
The most frequently asked questions regarding the German VET System, the recognition of qualifications or on how to start a career in Germany will be answered here.
The glossary is a source for terms and definitions which are used in the field of vocational education and training. Emphasis is placed on its usage in the context of the German dual system. The VET Glossary is a work in progress and updated and expanded on an ongoing basis.
The BIBB publishes its research and work results in different series. You will find all BIBB publications in the index of publications. A selection of publications is available in English.
VET on the move: Technical Terminology for Healthcare Professionals from India (Video on YouTube)
GOVET spoke with trainees and skilled workers about permeability in vocational education and training (Testimonial playlist on YouTube)
Statements on the COVID-19 pandemic - Theory-Interview with Prof. Frédéric Lebaron on Corona and Technology Assessment (Video on YouTube)
iMOVE Online Presentation: Bridging Courses for India (Video on YouTube)
Methods of competence assessment in vocational education and training (VET) in Germany - A systematic review
The present study provides a systematic overview of the methods of competence assessment in German vocational education and training (VET). To this end, 58 publications from the years 2001 to 2017 have been reviewed regarding the occupational areas for which assessment instruments were developed, types of competences that were assessed, the types of instruments used to assess the competences and the psychometric properties of these instruments. The results indicate that the instruments described in the reviewed publications particularly address commercial, industrial-technical and health occupations. The majority of the instruments deal with the identification of professional competences (66%), followed by basic (24%) and social/communicative competences (9%).
The Data Report of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) provides a comprehensive overview of the actual data on the German Vocational Education and Training system and is published yearly in German. This current English version of the Data Report presents a selection of the most relevant data and analyses of the 2019 Data Report. It contains extensive information and analyses relating to initial and continuing vocational education and training and covers international indicators and benchmarks. The special focus of this Data Report is “Vocational education and training 4.0 – skilled worker qualifications and competencies for the digitalised work of the future”.
Sustainability is one of the greatest social challenges in this day and age. Climate protection, fair working conditions and responsible neighbourhoods are becoming increasingly important issues for companies. A sustainable in-company learning environment helps employees to develop sustainability-related skills. These skills play a crucial role when it comes to acting in line with the guiding principle of sustainability. Companies are already doing a great deal to increase sustainability. However, there is still substantial potential to do more. This guideline describes four key areas for designing sustainable learning venues with a total of 13 areas of action. It provides practice-oriented suggestions for implementation in companies. The guideline thus not only brings fresh momentum for reporting, but also contributes to anchoring sustainable development more firmly into the structure of initial and continuing vocational education and training at companies.
Occupational Participation of Persons with Disabilities: Perceptions and Empirical Evidence
The quality of employment of employees with disabilities differs from that of employees without disabilities only for a few selected indicators. This is shown by analyses based on a follow-up survey of the BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey (ETB) 2018. The follow-up survey also includes a survey experiment on the perception of the situation of people with disabilities on the labour market. A significant proportion of respondents misperceive the gap in labour force participation between people with and without disabilities. Employed persons with disabilities assess the labour market integration of persons with disabilities to be worse when they are informed about the actual gap in labour market participation.
The most frequently asked questions regarding the German VET System, the recognition of qualifications or on how to start a career in Germany will be answered here.