VET Data Report Germany

The Data Report is issued by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) and supplements the Report on Vocational Education and Training published by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) by providing a wealth of information and analysis relating to various aspects of the development of vocational education and training.

Data Report 2021

The special focus of this Data Report is “Vocational education and training leading to higher qualifications – routes for occupational advancement”.

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Data Report 2019

The special focus of the Data Report 2019 is “Vocational education and training 4.0 – skilled worker qualifications and competencies for the digitalised work of the future”.

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Data Report 2016/2017

The 2016/2017 report delivers in-depth data on access and participation of refugees to vocational education and training in Germany.

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Data Report 2015

The 2015 edition focuses on the issue of mismatches in VET and its consequence on the labour market and economic development in Germany.

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Data Report 2014

The 2014 Data Report provides valuable insights into the German VET System as contribution to the debate on the role of VET in society and economy.

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Data Report 2013

The 2013 edition focuses on the development and use of digital media in VET.

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Data Report 2012

The 2012 edition focuses on transition from school to VET.

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Data Report 2011

The 2011 edition focuses on permeability between vocational education and training and academic higher education.

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Data Report 2010

The 2010 edition focuses on the transition from VET to employment.

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Data Report 2009

The 2009 edition focuses on Training Modules.

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About the VET Data Report

The VET Data Report reports systematically on the current situation and the newest developments in vocational education and training. It is based on empirical data and social research analyses and forms the data basis for the Report on Vocational Education and Training published by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The English version of the Data Report is a summary of the German report and provides a selection of the main findings. The individual chapters present central indicators relating to initial and continuing vocational education and training in the dual system and illustrate developments that have taken place over time. Different main thematic focuses are addressed every year. The Data Report also covers vocational training funding programmes and international indicators and benchmarks. An English version containing a selection of the main findings from the Data Report is available starting with issue 2010.

BIBB Data Report to accompany the 2019 Report on VET is published

Demand for training places by young people and young adults and the number of training places offered by companies both rose once again in 2018. Nevertheless, recruitment problems on the training market exacerbated further. These are the main outcomes of the 2019 BIBB Data Report.

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VET Data Report Germany 2016/2017

The development of the German VET system and more specifically of the dual system relies on regular data collection. The Data Report of the BIBB is a selection of most relevant and actual data on the German VET system.

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Training market undergoing serious change – 10th BIBB Data Report

More people now start training with higher education entrance qualifications, more training positions remain unfilled - These are the findings from the 10th and anniversary edition of the Data Report. The thematic focus of the 2018 BIBB Data Report is vocational orientation.

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Young refugees have arrived in the transitional phase – BIBB Data Report published

The increase in the transition phase between school and training is mainly due to programmes supporting German language learning for young refugees and immigrants. The BIBB Data Report again provides a range of facts and figures on all areas of initial and continuing vocational education and training.

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Facts, figures and data – BIBB publishes 2016 Data Report

The Data Report includes comprehensive information and analyses on the development of initial and continuing vocational education and training in Germany. It supplements the annual Federal Government Report on Vocational Education and Training.

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BIBB Data Report 2015: Training Mismatch Today – Skilled Labour Shortages Tomorrow

Matching supply and demand is an increasing problem in the training market. A more targeted appeal to those possibly interested in an apprenticeship and special applicant groups is necessary to reduce the emerging skilled labour shortage.

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