Technology, Assets, Skills, Knowledge, Specialisation

Location: Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)
Bonn, Germany
Date: January 17-18 2012

Photo gallery

Monday, 16th January
19:00 Get together (Gustav-Stresemann-Institute)

Monday, 16th January

19:00 Get together (Gustav-Stresemann-Institute)

Tuesday, 17th January

9:00 - 9:30

9:30 - 9:45
Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Reinhold Weiß, BIBB and Joachim Möller, IAB

9:45 - 10:45
The Impact of Trade and Technology on Task Demands: Evidence from Local Labor Markets
Keynote: David Autor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and National Bureau of Economic Research

10:45 - 11:00
Coffee break

11:00 - 12:00
Session 1: Tasks and Polarization
Chair: Maarten Goos, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Taking Technology to Task: The Skill Content of Technological Change in Early Twentieth Century U.S.
Rowena Gray, University of Essex

The Effect of Product Demand on Inequality: Evidence from the US and the UK
Marco Leonardi, University of Milan

Session 2 : Tasks and Changing Skill Demand
Chair: Reinhold Weiß, BIBB

The Skill Balancing Act: Determinants of and Returns to Balanced Skills
Elisabeth Bublitz, University of Jena (joint with Florian Noseleit)

Part-Time Skill Gap, Pay Penalty, and Job Content
Ahmed Elsayed, Maastricht University (joint with Andries de Grip and Didier Fouarge)

12:00 - 13:00
Session 3: Tasks and Occupational Mobility
Chair: Anna Salomons, Utrecht School of Economics

Occupational Choice of Young Workers and the Task Hypothesis
Lena Janys, University of Mannheim

Polarization, Earnings Mobility and Tasks: A Test of the Routinization Hypothesis Using Individual-Level Panel Data
Dennis Görlich, Kiel Institute for the World Economy

Session 4: Tasks and Wages
Chair: Michael Pflüger, University of Passau

Lack of Returns: How Routinization Can Explain Rising Low-Wage Risks of Highly Qualified Manpower
Julia Schneider, Berlin School of Economics and Law and Holger Seibert, IAB

Time-Varying Occupational Contents: An Additional Linkbetween Occupational Task Profiles and Individual Wages
Alexandra Fedorets, Humboldt University of Berlin

13:00 - 14:00

14:00 - 15:00
Session 5: Tasks and Local Labor Markets
Chair: Bernd Fitzenberger, University of Freiburg

Cities, Tasks and Skills
Suzanne Kok, University of Groningen and CPB (joint with Bas ter Weel)

The Polarization of Employment in German Local Labor Markets
Hanna Wielandt and Charlotte Senftleben, Humboldt University of Berlin

Session 6: Measuring Tasks
Chair: Michael Handel, Northeastern University

Changes in Workplace Tasks in Germany - Evaluating Skill and Task Measures
Daniela Rohrbach-Schmidt and Michael Tiemann, BIBB

Gathering Information on Job Tasks. A New Instrument for Collecting Information on Job Requirements in a Multi-Topic Survey
Bernhard Christoph, Britta Matthes and Michael Ruland, IAB (joint with Florian Janik)

15:00 - 16:00
Session 7: Measuring Tasks
Chair: Michael Handel, Northeastern University

Generations of Jobs? Workplace Task Change Over the Lifecycle and Across Cohorts
Rowena Gray, University of Essex (joint with Vegard Skirbekk)

Inside Occupations: Comparing the Task Descriptions of 160 Occupations Across Eight EU Member States
Kea Tijdens, Erasmus University Rotterdam (joint with Esther De Ruijter and Judith De Ruijter)

16:00 - 16:15
Coffee break

16:15 - 17:15
Session 8: Tasks and Occupational Mobility
Chair: Ute Leuschner, University Freiburg

Changing skill demand and the comparative advantage of age: Jobs tasks and earnings from the 1980s to the 2000s in Germany
Laura Romeu Gordo, German Centre of Gerontology DZA (joint with Vegard Skirbekk)

Matching Skills of Individuals and Firms along the Career Path
Elisabeth Bublitz, University of Jena

Session 9: Measuring Tasks
Chair: Michael Tiemann, BIBB

Measuring Tasks at the Firm-Level: Results from an Employer-Survey
Klaus Troltsch, Harald Pfeifer and Daniela Rohrbach-Schmidt, BIBB

A Task-Oriented Measurement Concept in an Employer Survey of Changing Skill Needs in Europe
Francis Green, University of London (joint with Bernd Dworschak, Katja Nestler and Alena Zukersteinova)

17:30 - 18:15
Tasks and Skills. Meaning, Measurement, and Policy
Endnote: Michael Handel, Northeastern University

Conference Dinner (Gustav-Stresemann-Institute)

Wednesday, 18th January

9:30 - 10:30
The Anatomy of Production Hierarchies: Evidence from French Data
Keynote: Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, Princeton University (joint with Lorenzo Caliendo and Ferdinando Monte)

10:30 - 10:45
Coffee break

10:45 - 11:45
Session 10: Tasks and Trade
Chair: Michael Pflüger, University of Passau

Routine Task Intensity and the Growth of Temporary Help Services
Hanna Wielandt and Jan Peter aus dem Moore, Humboldt University of Berlin (joint with Alexandra Spitz-Oener)

Trade in Services: IT and Task Content
Giordano Mion, London School of Economics (joint with Andrea Ariu)

Session 11: Tasks and Immigration
Chair: Holger Seibert, IAB

Heterogeneous Firms and Substitution by Tasks: the Productivity Effect of Migrants
Anette Haas and Michael Lucht, IAB

The Effect of Adult Literacy Skills on Social and Immigrant Inequalities in Labor Market Performance: An Empirical Comparison Between Germany and the U.S.
Ulrike Schwabe, University of Bamberg (joint with Volker Stocké)

11:45 - 12:45
Session 12: Tasks and Offshoring
Chair: Joachim Möller, IAB

The effect of offshoring on the task-composition of occupations and employment
Suzanne Kok and Hugo Rojas-Romagosa, CPB (joint with Semih Akcomak)

Offshoring and Relative Labor Demand from a Task Perspective
Jan Hogrefe, ZEW Mannheim

Session 13: Tasks and Changing Skill Demand
Chair: Günter Walden, BIBB

Dormant skills as a result of regional and skill mismatch
Ljubica Nedelkoska, University of Jena (joint with Frank Neffke and Simon Wiederhold)

Cognitive skills, tasks and job mobility
Peer Ederer, Philipp Schuller, Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen and Arne Jonas Warnke, ZEW Mannheim

12:45 - 13:30

13:30 - 14:30
Wages, Tasks, and Occupational Change
Endnote: Bernd Fitzenberger, Albert-Ludwig-University Freiburg (joint with Alexandra Spitz-Oener, Alexandra Fedorets, Ute Leuschner)

14.30 Goodbye and Farewell