Automotive Production Engineering (Master)

Duales Studium

Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt

Bezeichnung des dualen Studiengangs
Automotive Production Engineering (Master)

Abschluss / Titel
Master of Engineering

Dualer Studiengang an einer Fachhochschule

Format des Studiengangs
Studium zur beruflichen Weiterbildung (berufsintegrierend)

Organisationsform des Anbieters
Staatliche Hochschule

Art des dualen Studiengangs
Berufliche Weiterbildung

Programme Objectives: The degree course Automotive Production Engineering aims at consolidating students´ understanding of production processes. In practice, graduates can apply their own ideas planning, developing and managing production systems. Regarding manufacturing technologies, engineering processes and production strategies, the graduates are familiar with the current level of knowledge and are able to expand their skill-base independently in the complex field of production. This presents the possibility of continuing with a doctorate or other kinds of research. Furthermore, they can convey their knowledge to a non-specialist audience and communicate information to specialists in the fields of production on a scientific level. The knowledge acquired in the degree course Automotive Production Engineering enables graduates to undertake qualified specialist and management tasks in the field of production and lead or work in complex projects. This course is subject to the approval of the Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts. Dual Studies: The course is also offered as a dual study programme in co-operation with partner companies. Students may spend their semester breaks and entire third semester as interns in the company, before writing their Master´s thesis.

85049 Ingolstadt, Bayern

Studierende in diesem Studiengang


Das Studienangebot ist fremdsprachig oder mehrsprachig.


Schulische Vorbildung


Studiengang ist akkreditiert durch ASIIN.

Informationen zur Hochschule

Name und Adresse des Anbieters
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
Esplanade 10
85049 Ingolstadt

Frau Sabine Dörr
Telefon: (08 41) 93 48-1210


Art des Anbieters
Fachhochschule / Universität

Informationen für Bewerber/-innen

Herr Manuela Waltz
Telefon: 0841 9348-353
E-Mail: manuela.waltz@thi.de