Unfilled training places - Why enterprises do not succeed in filling them
Findings from the BIBB Vocational Training Monitor survey
Troltsch, Klaus ; Gericke, Naomi ; Krupp, Thomas
Respondents in company surveys generally cite a lack of the capacity to perform and insufficient educational qualifications among applicants as the primary reasons that training places remain vacant. The following analysis shows that some of the causes for unfilled training places are to be found among the firms offering them. The trainee placement process is a field of research that has not been sufficiently studied to date. This process exhibits a number of sizable deficits. They make it difficult for training place providers and training place seekers to come together. This is substantiated by the findings from the 2007 and 2008 Ausbildungsmonitor (Vocational Training Monitor) surveys conducted by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB).
TROLTSCH, Klaus; GERICKE, Naomi; KRUPP, Thomas: Unfilled training places - Why enterprises do not succeed in filling them. Findings from the BIBB Vocational Training Monitor survey. BIBB Report 10. Bonn 2009
Troltsch, K., Gericke, N. & Krupp, T. (2009). Unfilled training places - Why enterprises do not succeed in filling them: Findings from the BIBB Vocational Training Monitor survey.BIBB Report, 10
Weiterführende Informationen
- Verlag
- Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB)
- Erschienen
- 2009
- Heftnummer
- 10
- Downloads
- 1
- Reihe
- BIBB Report
- 1869-2761
- urn:nbn:de:0035-0390-3
- Sprachen
- englisch / deutsch