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Second-chance vocational qualification for two million young adults without vocational certificates

How much willingness is there in enterprises?

Troltsch, Klaus

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In Germany over 2 million young adults still do not have any vocational certificates. In view of the impact of demographic change on the training place and labour markets and the expected shortage of skilled workers this is unacceptable, not least from the point of view of justice, and should be reason enough to focus more attention on the possibilities of social and vocational integration of these young people. The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Federal Employment Agency have therefore started the "AusBILDUNG wird was - Spätstarter gesucht" (Training works! - Looking for late starters) campaign. In the next three years 100,000 young adults between 25 and 35 years are to be admitted to initial company training courses (BMAS/BA 2013). Various initiatives were already launched some years ago by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, one example being "certificate-oriented modular second-chance qualification". Concepts tailored to the demand are to be provided through the cross-linkage of regional support opportunities that can be used by enterprises for second-chance qualification (BMBF 2010; DLR 2010).

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