Higher education dropouts – welcome as trainees at companies – but no special treatment should be provided if possible
Results of a company survey using the Reference Company System
Can the training of higher education dropouts help to counter the rising number of unfilled training places and the impending shortages of skilled workers? The results of a survey of companies providing training using the Reference Company System have provided a number of indications in this regard. The high degree of openness which such companies display towards the training of these young people certainly suggest that it can. Implementation is, however, often hindered by difficulties in acquiring persons who have failed to complete degree level courses. Notwithstanding this, facilitating such a process via training models especially created for higher education dropouts meets with little approval on the part of the companies. The full article is available for download in German only.
EBBINGHAUS, Margit: Higher education dropouts – welcome as trainees at companies – but no special treatment should be provided if possible. Results of a company survey using the Reference Company System. BIBB Report 2. Bonn 2016
Ebbinghaus, M. (2016). Higher education dropouts – welcome as trainees at companies – but no special treatment should be provided if possible: Results of a company survey using the Reference Company System.BIBB Report, 2
- Verlag
- Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB)
- Erschienen
- 2016
- Heftnummer
- 2
- Downloads
- 607
- Reihe
- BIBB Report
- 1866-7279
- Sprachen
- englisch / deutsch