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58 Publikationen gefunden

Interconnectedness in all directions – experiences with network structures in supporting refugees in training

Benneker, Gerburg ; Heinzelmann, Susanne ; Lenz, Julian

Zur Publikation

Profile of an occupation – hydraulic technician

Zur Publikation

Youth between upheaval and stagnation

Encouraging young people to assume responsibility for their employment biography at the transition from school to work

Neises, Frank ; Weiß, Ulrich

Zur Publikation

Can role models increase young women’s interest in IT training occupations?

“VET ambassadors” as an example of career orientation based on social approval

Beckmann, Janina ; Estela Esteve, Alba ; Granato, Mona

Zur Publikation

Growing up in a pandemic – challenges to young people’s transition to independence and everyday practices

Berngruber, Anne ; Hofmann-Lun, Irene

Zur Publikation

BWP 2/2023

Vocational orientation

Zur Publikation

Alignment of qualifications in the nursing professions to the German Qualifications Framework

Peters, Miriam ; Telieps, Johanna

Zur Publikation

Material and symbolic value of occupations with different requirements levels

An empirical analysis for Germany

Ebner, Christian ; Krüger, Sabine ; Rohrbach-Schmidt, Daniela

Zur Publikation

ChoiceLab – a new vocational orientation online resource

Focusing on the intangible factors governing career choice

Busch, Felix

Zur Publikation

Men in care occupations – is caring masculinity a prospect?

Scholand, Barbara ; Thielen, Marc

Zur Publikation

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