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333 Publikationen gefunden

Democratic competence as an employability skill

Hantke, Harald ; Wittau, Franziska ; Zurstrassen, Bettina

Zur Publikation

Education for democratic citizenship – what contribution can vocational education and training make?

Busse, Robin ; Brodsky, Alexander ; Krebs, Philine

Zur Publikation

BWP 4/2024

Education for democratic citizenship

Zur Publikation

Strukturdaten Distance Learning/Distance Education 2024

Fogolin, Angela

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Light and shadow – continuing training behaviour in Germany in 2022

Results from the Adult Education Survey

Haberzeth, Erik ; Käpplinger, Bernd

Zur Publikation

Recommendations on continuing training

Development of an AI-based decision management tool

Fischer, Andreas ; Lorenz, Sabrina ; Pabst, Christopher

Zur Publikation

Adaptive learning environments for continuing training – possibilities, opportunities and challenges

Hemmler, Yvonne M. ; Ifenthaler, Dirk

Zur Publikation

Implementing AI in vocational education and training – needs and requirements of trainees and teaching staff

Rott, Karin Julia ; Schmidt-Hertha, Bernhard

Zur Publikation

Use of artificial intelligence by companies in Germany

Prevalence and enabling factors

Gerhards, Christian ; Baum, Myriam

Zur Publikation

Artificial intelligence in vocational education and training

Technological developments, areas of didactic potential and necessary ethical standards

Witt, Claudia de

Zur Publikation

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