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218 Publikationen gefunden

Interconnectedness in all directions – experiences with network structures in supporting refugees in training

Benneker, Gerburg ; Heinzelmann, Susanne ; Lenz, Julian

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Vernetzung in alle Richtungen – Erfahrungen mit Netzwerkstrukturen bei der Begleitung von Geflüchteten in Ausbildung

Benneker, Gerburg ; Heinzelmann, Susanne ; Lenz, Julian

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Implementing AI in vocational education and training – needs and requirements of trainees and teaching staff

Rott, Karin Julia ; Schmidt-Hertha, Bernhard

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Evaluation der zentralen Servicestelle Berufsanerkennung


Erbe, Jessica ; Zorner, Jonathan ; Bushanska, Vira

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The SCHOOLPLATE Project – continuing training is an ongoing learning process

Hanau, Eva ; Pantke, Dominique-Navina

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Interlinked orientation provision for vocational and academic training

The perspective of the participants

Neu, Ariane

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Development of a concept for competency-oriented, digitally aided and practical final examinations in nursing training

Nagel, Lisa ; Stirner, Alexander ; Wrona, Kamil J.

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Examiner delegations and the new regulation permitting an examination to be conducted by two examiners – use and benefits of the system from the point of view of practice

An outline of the evaluation of new regulations in the area of examinations

Lorig, Barbara ; Krüger, Sabine

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Entwicklung eines Konzepts für kompetenzorientierte digital gestützte, praktische Abschlussprüfungen in der Pflegeausbildung

Nagel, Lisa ; Stirner, Alexander ; Wrona, Kamil J.

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