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123 Publikationen gefunden

Democratic competence as an employability skill

Hantke, Harald ; Wittau, Franziska ; Zurstrassen, Bettina

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Implikationen non-formaler wissenschaftlicher Weiterbildung für die Fort- und Weiterbildung beruflich qualifizierter Fachkräfte

Eine explorative Untersuchung am Beispiel der Ingenieurwissenschaften

Fogolin, Angela

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The German-Swiss Agreement on the Equivalence of Vocational Qualifications

Hollmann, Christian

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Implementing AI in vocational education and training – needs and requirements of trainees and teaching staff

Rott, Karin Julia ; Schmidt-Hertha, Bernhard

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Vocational education and training and green transformation in Europe

Mohoric, Andrea

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Development of a concept for competency-oriented, digitally aided and practical final examinations in nursing training

Nagel, Lisa ; Stirner, Alexander ; Wrona, Kamil J.

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IHK examinations over the course of time

How digitalisation can further develop the examination system

Schönefeldt, Nico ; Ibba, Jessica ; Schwarz, Anja

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Using the LUCA Office Simulation to consider digital examinations in a process-related and stakeholder-oriented manner

Deutscher, Viola ; Rausch, Andreas ; Seifried, Jürgen

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Undergoing a shift – the vocational education and training examination system

Hollmann, Christian ; Lorig, Barbara ; Schürger, Barbara

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“Mission ICH” – implementation of a holistic approach towards vocational orientation at schools in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Kalisch, Claudia ; Pilz, Lisa-Marie ; Prill, Tobias

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