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52 Publikationen gefunden

Lehr- und Lernmöglichkeiten in der ambulanten Pflege : Rahmenbedingungen, Chancen und Herausforderungen für Lehr- und Lernmöglichkeiten für Auszubildende und Studierende zur Pflegefachfrau, zum Pflegefachmann und zur Pflegefachperson am Lern- und Arbeitsort Häuslichkeit

Engelmann, Freja ; Hahnel, Elisabeth ; Fahrenwald, Madita

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Successfully mastering training

Impacts of student mentoring on the professional and personal development of trainees and on their integration

Maué, Elisabeth ; Schumann, Stephan

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Erfolgreich die Ausbildung meistern

Auswirkungen studentischen Mentorings auf die fachliche und persönliche Entwicklung und die Integration geflüchteter Auszubildender

Maué, Elisabeth ; Schumann, Stephan

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Work experience placements as a success factor in terms of realising the transition to vocational education and training

Hochmuth, Melanie

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Can role models increase young women’s interest in IT training occupations?

“VET ambassadors” as an example of career orientation based on social approval

Beckmann, Janina ; Estela Esteve, Alba ; Granato, Mona

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The value of vocational work and training

Theses relating to a creeping loss of prestige and prospects for long-term uplift

Bosch, Gerhard

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Training vocational school teachers via cooperation agreements between institutes of higher education

Fostering social integration into higher education and a commitment to studying

Petzold-Rudolph, Kathrin ; Stobbe, Lisa ; Kuhlee, Dina

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ChoiceLab – a new vocational orientation online resource

Focusing on the intangible factors governing career choice

Busch, Felix

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Successful study outcomes and drop-out tendency of trainee teachers in light of the stresses experienced during the coronavirus pandemic

Hahn, Edgar ; Kuhlee, Dina ; Porsch, Raphaela

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Studienerfolg und Abbruchtendenz von Lehramtsstudierenden im Licht ihres Belastungserlebens in der Corona-Pandemie

Hahn, Edgar ; Kuhlee, Dina ; Porsch, Raphaela

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