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92 Publikationen gefunden

Successfully mastering training

Impacts of student mentoring on the professional and personal development of trainees and on their integration

Maué, Elisabeth ; Schumann, Stephan

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Requirements for (trainee) teachers within the context of current migration

Massumi, Mona

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Profile of an occupation – hydraulic technician

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Overcoming language barriers

Text optimisation for inclusive vocational examinations using AI

Hanck, Christina ; Lorenz, Sabrina ; Pabst, Christopher

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Implementing AI in vocational education and training – needs and requirements of trainees and teaching staff

Rott, Karin Julia ; Schmidt-Hertha, Bernhard

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Profile of an occupation – plant mechanic for sanitary, heating and air conditioning systems

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Belt and braces – the new fallback option in the updated BBiG

Milolaza, Anita

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The dual training system in urban and rural areas

Schmidt, Robyn

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Quality initiatives of intermediary institutions – the provision of the Chambers

A status quo survey of initiatives by the Chambers of Industry and Commerce and Chambers of Crafts to support the assurance and development of the quality of company-based training

Sabbagh, Helena ; Ansmann, Moritz

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Part-time training in nursing – target groups and organisational questions

Bartsch, Lea ; Grunau, Janika ; Sachse, Lena

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