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94 Publikationen gefunden

Increasing firms’ motivation to train low-skilled youth : a factorial survey experiment

Wenzelmann, Felix ; Risius, Paula ; de Grip, Andries

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Integration through professional recognition? Factors influencing participation in employment by immigrant skilled workers

Harder, Dominik ; Schmidt, Lydia

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The “Occupations and Competency Radar”

A new dataset and online data portal for vocational education and training research and practice

Schnepf, Timo ; Seegers, Marco

Zur Publikation

Role reversal in apprentices recruiting

Which firms search applicant profiles in a targeted way?

Mohr, Sabine ; Ebbinghaus, Margit

Zur Publikation

The significance of the hydrogen ramp-up for the labour market and vocational training in Germany

Schneider, Maximilian ; Schur, Alexander

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The "right to repair" - possible implications for the labour market

Thobe, Ines ; Eckermann, Frauke ; Maier, Tobias

Zur Publikation

Labour market success in terms of a comparison between vocational and general educational qualifications

Kuhn, Andreas ; Schweri, Jürg

Zur Publikation

“We need to tackle ingrained injustices if we wish to achieve equivalence”

Interview with Karl-Josef Laumann, Minister of Labour of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

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BWP 1/2023


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