Research Project Occupations in Germany: Social Perception and Personality Traits

The aim of the research project is to gain a better understanding of society's perception of occupations and the importance of personality traits for labor market success in Germany. The analyses are based on a supplementary survey to the 2017/2018 BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey (ETB) of 9,011 individuals in Germany.

Subproject 1: Perception of occupations

For many occupations practiced in Germany today, it is not known how they are perceived by society. One project goal is therefore to develop scales (including an occupational prestige scale) that reflect the attractiveness of occupations based on the German Classification of Occupations 2010 (Klassifikation der Berufe 2010). Furthermore, the aim is to explain the different attractiveness of occupations and to investigate the extent to which society's perception of occupations corresponds to occupational reality (do systematically biased occupational images exist?). Further work deals with the reputation of inactive persons and educational qualifications.

Subproject 2: Personality traits and employment

So far, little research has been done on the relationship between personality traits such as risk-taking, occupational self-efficacy, or openness to experience with specific occupations or job tasks, or on the contribution of these traits to occupational success. In a project funded by the Hans Böckler Foundation, we are also investigating the prevalence, causes and consequences of work addiction.

2.1.315 - Berufe in Deutschland: Gesellschaftliche Wahrnehmung und Persönlichkeitsmerkmale

Time period I-17 to II-21

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Ansehen und Beschäftigungsbedingungen in der Kranken- und Altenpflege: Stimmen die Berufsbilder in der Bevölkerung mit der Realität überein?

Hall, Anja; Rohrbach-Schmidt, Daniela; Schnepf, Timo; Ebner, Christian | Bonn; Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung | 2021

BIBB-Preprint; 37 S.


Ansehen von Bildungsabschlüssen - geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in der Einschätzung

Krüger, Sabine; Rohrbach-Schmidt, Daniela; Ebner, Christian | 2020

Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis : BWP; 49 (2020), H. 4; S. 52-55

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Berufliches Ansehen in Deutschland für die Klassifikation der Berufe 2010 : Beschreibung der methodischen Vorgehensweise, erste deskriptive Ergebnisse und Güte der Messung

Ebner, Christian; Rohrbach-Schmidt, Daniela | Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung | 2019

BIBB-Preprint; 34 S.

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Deutliche Unterschiede im Ansehen dualer Ausbildungsberufe in Deutschland

Ebner, Christian, Rohrbach-Schmidt, Daniela | 2019

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What role does personality play? : First results on occupational differences and wages from a recent BIBB survey

Rohrbach-Schmidt, Daniela; Ebner, Christian | 2019

Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis : BWP; 48 (2019), H. 2; S. 6-10

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