Training modules pursuant to § 69 BBiG

Training modules are learning units that are firmly delineated in terms of content and time and used within the scope of vocational training preparation measures. Their deployment is statutorily regulated in § 69 of the Vocational Training Act (BBiG).

Alignment to recognised training occupations

§ 69 BBiG states that a training module must contain specific learning content from a recognised training occupation because the goal of vocational training preparation is to help young people who have learning difficulties or who are socially disadvantaged to acquire employability skills. For this reason, the basis for the content structuring of a training module must always be the latest training regulation of a recognised training occupation. If training regulations are revised, the training module also loses its validity and may need to be adapted for further use. Reconfirmation is required in every case.

Regulations for the confirmation and use of training modules

In order to ensure proximity to a recognised training occupation, providers of vocational training preparation schemes must obtain confirmation for every specific training module from the relevant competent body (usually the Chamber of Industry and Commerce or Chamber of Crafts and Trades) prior to its use. The specific approach to be adopted for the confirmation and use of a training module is regulated by the Vocational Training Preparation Certification Ordinance (BAVBVO).