BILT – Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET

BIBB and the International Center for Vocational Education and Training UNESCO-UNEVOC jointly coordinate the BILT initiative: Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET. BILT is sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research BMBF.

The BILT initiative provides TVET stakeholders with a platform for policy learning and peer learning. BILT supports the TVET community to address current challenges in TVET systems, which arise due to technological, social, environmental, and workplace changes.


BILT themes

The overarching theme for BILT activities is "New Qualifications and Competencies" in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). Identifying new qualifications and competencies, integrating them into national educational programs and training standards, as well as implementing them into TVET practice is challenging for TVET systems all over the world. This cross-cutting issue is underpinned by four thematic strands:


BILT Activities

BILT conferences and webinars offer regular opportunities for knowledge exchange and foster innovation transfer as well as collaboration between UNEVOC centres and TVET stakeholders in Europe, Africa, and Asia-Pacific. BILT Expert Groups explore the impact of current trends on TVET systems within and across regions and share recommendations for the development of TVET policy and practice. Valuable resources, such as a database of innovation & learning practices and the BILT Atlas on emerging trends in TVET, are available on the BILT website at UNESCO-UNEVOC along with more detailed information on ongoing activities. A selection of results is published on this website and its German version.