Division 4.5

Vocational orientation, educational chains

Division 4.5 is responsible for the evaluation research and administration of vocational orientation programmes and for providing the Federal Government, the Federal Employment Agency and the federal states with support for the structuring and interlinking of various funding instruments in vocational orientation, at the transition from school to work and in training.

The Career Orientation Programme Office is based in Division 4.5. It implements programmes and initiatives launched by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), such as the Vocational Orientation Programme (BOP), by carrying out analyses of potential and staging workshop days for school pupils in Years 7 and 8. The funding programme for the Career Orientation for Refugees  (BOF) is also housed here.

The Educational Chains Service Agency is responsible for the cross-cutting evaluation research, process management, and public relations work undertaken by the initiative “No qualification without connectivity – educational chains until the completion of training” (Educational Chains Initiative) run by the BMBF and the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS). It supports the Federal Government, the Federal Employment Agency (BA), and the federal states in establishing coherent structures in vocational orientation and at the transition from school to work and in securing a supply of young skilled workers for trade and industry. The Service Agency draws up information materials and develops seminars for education and training practice. It acts as the office of the Federal Government-Federal State-Federal Employment Agency Support Group for the Educational Chains Initiative. The Service Agency also contains the coordinating offices for the Career Choice Pass  National Working Group and for the Agency for Training and Migration (KAUSA).