Cooperation with KRIVET in South Korea extended until 2024
The long-standing and fruitful cooperation between BIBB and the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) in South Korea will be extended for another three years.
"The long-standing exchange with the South Korean partner institute KRIVET is a good example of successful international collaboration beyond European borders", emphasized BIBB Research Director Ertl on the occasion of the signing of a new cooperation agreement.
Monday, 17 September 2018
Approaches towards higher dual vocational education and training in Germany and South Korea
South Korean researchers have recently been at BIBB and at the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences to exchange information on current developments in dual higher education study in Germany and on new approaches being adopted towards higher vocational education and training in South Korea.
Workshop discusses development of dual VET in South Korea and Germany
During the BIBB - KRIVET Apprenticeship Policy Workshop 2019, German and South Korean VET experts exchanged views on current research findings and development prospects in VET in South Korea and Germany.
The 4th KRIVET International Conference on Apprenticeships
At the conference, international experts shared their knowledge and country experiences, highlighting the recent trends of apprenticeships particularly related to Industry 4.0 and strategies for the future industry. The BIBB was invited to present ongoing research projects on VET 4.0 in Germany.
Regional BIBB Partners Meeting identifies core areas of future collaboration
From 13-14 October 2016 representatives from seven countries came together for the second regional BIBB partners meeting in the Asia-Pacific region which took place in Nanjing, P.R. China.