Maier, Tobias; Steeg, Stefanie: Explaining Recruiting Situations with Occupation-Specific Information. International Workshop “Vacancies, Hiring and Matching”, October 2nd, 2019, Nuremberg (PDF, 1.7 MB)
Mönnig, Anke; Schneemann, Christian; Zika, Gerd; Weber, Enzo; Helmrich, Robert: Electromobility 2035. Effects on the economy and employment through the electrification of the powertrain of passenger cars. 27th IIOA Conference, June 2nd, 2019, Glasgow (PDF, 1.5 MB)
Maier, Tobias: The BIBB-IAB Qualification and Occupational Field Projections (QuBe-Projekt.de). International Expert Workshop. New Developments for French Occupational Outlook, March 28, 2017, Paris (PDF, 480 KB)
Kalinowski, Michael; Hänisch, Carsten: The FIT Labour Supply Model for Germany. Warwick International on Employment and Skills Forecasting. Unversity of Warwick, September 29, 2011 (PDF, 464 KB)
Maier, Tobias: Considering occupational flexibility in demand and supply forecasts of occupations. Lecture given at the workshop "Methodologies of long-term forecasting" at IAB, Nürnberg, am 8./9.12.2011 (PDF, 423 KB)
Maier, Tobias: Identifying Skill Needs in Germany - BIBB-IAB Qualification and Occupational Field Projections. Lecture given at the Joint OECD-KEIS International Seminar on Country Experiences, Seoul 2011 (PDF, 430 KB)
Maier, Tobias: Considering Occupational Flexibility in Nursing Professions. Lecture given at the Expert Group Meeting "Health Workforce Planning and Management in OECD Countries", Paris 2011 (PDF, 464 KB)