Advisory project in Indonesia

January 2019 - April 2024

In Indonesia, BIBB has been advising the Indonesian government on behalf of BMZ and GIZ since 2019 as part of the TVET System Reform (TSR) project on establishing a national coordination mechanism for VET. To this end, the roles and initiatives of private-sector and public-sector actors in the Indonesian VET system are to be aligned in a forward-looking manner.

Following the first project phase (2019-2021), the TSR project's objective in the subsequent phase (2021-2024) is to support the Indonesian government in implementing key elements of the national TVET strategy, the development of which was accompanied by BIBB. The focus is on two central areas of intervention:

  1. Establishing a national coordination body for TVET, which is to assume a coordinating and steering role in the Indonesian TVET system.
  2. Strengthening economic engagement in the implementation of the national TVET strategy at national and sub-national levels.

BIBB's advisory activities focus on one hand on the organisational development of the national coordination body. On the other hand, BIBB supports the TVET office of the national umbrella organisation of the business community (KADIN Indonesia) in developing its technical capacities for cooperation with state actors as well as regional business associations.

Advisory services are provided in the context of the TVET System Reform (TSR)-Project. GIZ is implementing this project in cooperation with the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs (CMEA) as the political executing agency. The project is part of BMZ's bilateral development cooperation. It is intended to support the Indonesian Government in reforming the Indonesian vocational training system.

Prof Dr Esser stands on a black stage with a delegation. In the background you can read "TVET System Reform"
Thursday, 13 June 2024

BIBB reinforces its role in Indonesia as an internationally recognised centre of excellence for vocational education and training

On 12 June, BIBB President Friedrich Hubert Esser gave a keynote address in Jakarta at the invitation of the Indonesian Ministry for Economic Affairs and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). The speech formed part of an international VET conference.

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Monday, 13 May 2024

Indonesia continues to focus on dual VET

How can modules of the German dual VET system be transferred to the Indonesian context? BIBB accompanied a high-ranking delegation from Indonesia to a training centre in Berlin to discuss this question.

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