Advisory project in Kosovo
From January 2019 to September 2020, BIBB provided advisory services in Kosovo on topics related to VET. The advisory was carried out on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on the project "Youth, Employment and Education (YES) in Kosovo".
The main objective of the YES project was to create employment prospects for young people in Kosovo. The consulting focused on the recognition of foreign qualifications in Kosovo and Kosovar qualifications in Germany, the development of regulatory means, governance issues, and technical and methodological aspects.
Recognition of foreign qualifications in Kosovo and Kosovar qualifications in Germany
BIBB participated in GIZ steering group meetings and provided information on current developments in the recognition field in Germany and on the interfaces between recognition and immigration laws.
BIBB prepared a brief report on the recognition of foreign vocational qualifications in Germany. The report contains recommendations for GIZ in form of lessons learned for future projects with outputs on recognition. Further recommendations are addressed to the Kosovar partners and focus on the importance of the skilled workers immigration act for Kosovar migration policy. The contents of the report were incorporated into the further development of the content and concept of the replicable model for the recognition of Kosovar qualifications in Germany.
The document "Further development of the content and concept of the replicable model for the recognition of Kosovar qualifications in Germany", which was written by GIZ, was redesigned by BIBB, and its content and style were also developed. The focus was on presenting the legal and practical framework conditions for skilled worker immigration and recognition with concrete reference to the results achieved in the project.
The continuous advice of the steering committee, the short report and the document on the model of recognition of Kosovar professional qualifications in Germany strengthened the competences of the Kosovar partners in the field of recognition of foreign professional qualifications in Germany.
Advice on the development of regulatory instruments, governance issues, and technical and methodological aspects
The process of developing means of order was the topic of a joint workshop in November 2019. In the international VET Donor Coordination Meeting, BIBB gave a presentation on "German Experiences with standard development and harmonisation with the European Qualification framework - Learnings for Kosovo?". The aim was to provide the participating organizations with knowledge on standard development in Germany and on the process of harmonization with the European Qualification Framework (EQF).
In the context of the reform of governance structures in Kosovo, BIBB commented on the "Administrative Instruction Work Based Learning in VET Institutions" and thus contributed to a practical design of the legal basis for the governance of VET in Kosovo.
During the job shadowing of a GIZ employee at BIBB, information was imparted on BIBB's fields of work as well as specialist information on topics relevant to the project. Furthermore, the YES project enabled the use of the explanatory videos for action orientation in vocational training developed at BIBB.