Advisory project in Paraguay

The government of Paraguay wants to modernise the Paraguayan vocational training system. In this process, it aims to implement a dual vocational training system based on the German model (Modelo paraguayo de Formación Dual, MoPaDual).

BIBB advised the Paraguayan government on this project from December 2016 to June 2019.

Advisory contract (December 2016 - June 2019)

BIBB supported Paraguay in establishing the institutional and structural foundations for a dual vocational training system with a Paraguayan character (MoPaDual). This also included organisational development in state institutions.

The second focus of the advisory services was on company training and examination standards. This included

  • the development of a procedure for standard development,
  • the development of dual curricula and didactic teaching materials for the professions of industrial mechanic (Mecánico/a Industrial) and industrial electrician (Eléctrico/a Industrial)
  • the implementation of the curricula in two pilot projects and
  • support during the audit.
Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Paraguay promotes dual VET

During her two-day study visit to the BIBB on 3 and 4 January 2019, the Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security of the Republic of Paraguay, Carla Bacigalupo Planás, gathered information about the dual system of vocational education and training in Germany.

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Wednesday, 13 June 2018

One the trail of dual vocational education and training - Latin America in Berlin

Over two days, the BIBB led their cooperation partners from Paraguay and Colombia on a tour through Berlin to various stakeholders involved in dual vocational education and training. This study visit enabled the BIBB to support both countries in the introduction of country-specific dual training.

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