A study on ‚Boosting gender equality in science and technology. A challenge for TVET programmes and careers‘ was published by UNESCO-UNEVOC with the support of BIBB.
Under participation of the BIBB as a UNEVOC center in Germany the UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET Learning Forum took place from 24 to 25 of May 2018 in Bonn. The Forum focussed on “Managing skills in a time of disruptions” and was organized at the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre.
Study visit in the context of UNESCO-UNEVOC's TVET Learning Forum 2018
During their study visit to BIBB, international experts in the field of TVET received information on ongoing projects in the fields of digitisation, vocational training for sustainable development and Migration.
Following the invitation of BIBB, representatives from partner institutions and VET experts from the Asia-Pacific region got together for the BIBB Asia-Pacific Networking Meeting 2017 in Nanjing, PR China on 19-20 October 2017.
Greater involvement of business in vocational education and training in Thailand was the central theme of the "Industry 4.0 and the impact of VET" event organised by the BIBB and DIDACTA Association at the Worlddidac Asia 2017 in Bangkok.