Cooperation with KRIVET in South Korea extended until 2024


The long-standing and fruitful cooperation between BIBB and the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) in South Korea will be extended for another three years.

Prof. Dr. Esser (BIBB) and Prof. Dr. Jang Soo Ryu (KRIVET) sign the new cooperation agreement

In March 2021, BIBB president Prof. Dr. Esser and the newly appointed president of KRIVET, Prof. Dr. Jang Soo Ryu, signed the new cooperation agreement.

The upcoming phase of cooperation between KRIVET and BIBB will focus on issues relating to the impact of digitalization on vocational education and training (VET) and employment. Another focus lies on the prospects of VET in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Prof. Dr. Jang Soo Ryu was appointed as President of KRIVET in December 2020 for a term of three years. Previously, Dr. Ryu served as a professor in the Department of Economics in the field of labor economics at Pukyong National University in Busan. He also advised the South Korean government as chair of various commissions and served as a member of the KRIVET Scientific Advisory Board.

KRIVET has been a partner institute of BIBB since 2000. Representatives of both institutes have been working together successfully for years in international comparative research projects. Currently, cooperation is taking place in the BIBB project "Occupational tasks and requirements in international comparative terms - analyses of national and international datasets". In addition, joint seminars and expert discussions are held on a regular basis to discuss issues relating to policy development and institutionalisation of VET in the respective country contexts.