
The BIBB-FDZ organizes workshops and user conferences at irregular intervals at which, for example, the research data at BIBB-FDZ and the way in which the data are distributed are presented to interested parties. Another type of event creates opportunities for an exchange of experiences between data users and the FDZ, in which, for example, research projects based on BIBB-FDZ datasets are presented and discussed.

BIBB Colloquium on Vocational Education and Training Research

The BIBB Colloquium provides a discussion forum for current research in the field of vocational education and training research. External researchers present their research and discuss it with researchers from BIBB.

further information

BIBB/IAB/ZEW Task conferences

Details about the events can be found here: TASKS VI, VIV, III, II, I

User Conference on "Education and Occupation"

On November 3 and 4, 2015, the Research Data Center at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, together with the research data centers of the federal and state statistical offices, held a user conference on "Education and Occupation" in Bonn.

Further information (in German) can be found here.

Practical seminar on data analysis with the BIBB Qualification Panel - Introduction to use by young researchers with Stata

In cooperation with the BIBB Qualification Panel, the BIBB-FDZ organized the Practical Seminar on Data Analysis with the BIBB Qualification Panel - Introduction for Use by Young Scientists with Stata on March 28, 2014.

The seminar informed students and doctoral candidates about the BIBB Qualification Panel as a data source for final and qualification theses. For more information on the BIBB Qualification Panel, visit https://www.bibb.de/en/1482.php.