German-Indonesian exchange on the future of VET


How can VET institutions, companies and governments contribute to the development of VET to adequately prepare young people for the demands of the modern world of work? To explore this question, BIBB took part in an exchange with Indonesian and German representatives from politics, the private sector and VET practice.

Prof. Dr. Hubert Ertl, Director of Research and Permanent Representative of the President

As part of a virtual study visit organized by the BMZ and GIZ with over 140 Indonesian representatives, BIBB provided an insight into the role and tasks of the Institute in dual VET in Germany.

The BIBB mission: Innovating training – Building futures

In his presentation, Prof. Dr. Hubert Ertl, Director of Research and Permanent Representative of the President, highlighted BIBB's self-image as an advisor for a wide range of stakeholders and facilitator of their involvement in VET. 

In view of societal, ecological and economic transformation processes and their impact on work and vocational education and training, Prof. Ertl explained how, for example, the ongoing modernization of training occupations is opening up opportunities for shaping VET practice. 

Examples are the new standard items in training occupation regulations (Standardberufsbildpositionen) that were developed in collaboration with social partners, the federal government and the states for all dual training occupations to ensure basic competencies of trainees and future employees. Furthermore, the differentiation options created by means of additional qualifications (Zusatzqualifikationen) and elective qualification units (Wahlqualifikationen) represent current approaches to flexibly respond to different and constantly changing needs and interests of training companies and trainees. 

Understanding digitalisation as an opportunity also means keeping VET attractive for young people – who are becoming fewer in Germany due to demographic change.

Prof. Dr. Hubert Ertl

Strengthening the attractiveness of VET through innovations

"Understanding digitalisation as an opportunity also means keeping VET attractive for young people – who are becoming fewer in Germany due to demographic change." 

In view of the increased significance of environmental protection and sustainability in professional, social and private activities Prof. Ertl also emphasized the importance of new ideas and approaches in VET practice. In this regard, BIBB has been successfully implementing pilot projects in the area of sustainability in collaboration with partners for the past 20 years to develop, test and transfer innovations for in-company training. 

Furthermore, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) presented initiatives such as the Alliance for Initial and Further Training and the National Strategy for Continuing Vocational Education and Training. In cooperation with stakeholders from politics, business and industry as well as society, these initiatives aim to contribute to the modernization of initial and continuing VET in Germany.  

Following the presentations by BIBB, BMWi and BMAS, the speakers replied to the questions of the delegation participants in a panel discussion. Among other things, the Indonesian guests were interested in the history of BIBB's development. Peter Rechmann, Deputy Head of the Federal Government's Central Office for International Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training (GOVET), explained which motives were and are decisive for the involvement of the various interest groups on the part of industry, employers and trade unions to participate in dual VET and the work of BIBB. 

Activities of BIBB in international cooperation in VET

Within the framework of the International Cooperation for Sustainable Development and on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) invited a high-level delegation of selected ministries, from employers associations, chambers, VET institutions as well as companies in the energy sector from Indonesia to a virtual study trip to Germany from September 7 - 16, 2021. 

The study trip is intended to give the guests an insight into the German dual VET system, particularly with regard to digital and environmental transformation and its impact on the future of work and VET. The exchange with BIBB, BMBF / GOVET, BMWi and BMAS on September 7 marked the start of the trip. 

BIBB cooperates with partners worldwide and advises on issues related to the further development of VET systems. In Indonesia, BIBB has been advising the Indonesian government since 2019 on behalf of BMZ and GIZ on the establishment of a national coordination mechanism for VET as part of the TVET System Reform (TSR) project. To this end, the roles and initiatives of actors from the private and public sector in the Indonesian VET system are to be aligned in a sustainable manner.