Competent Bodies

Competent bodies have different tasks and responsibilities for steering and ensuring quality in dual VET systems. These tasks include a. o. developing training regulations, supporting training companies, and recording statistics. The term “Competent Bodies” is used differently in the five countries. Government assigns specific tasks to agencies or stakeholders of the system following legal regulations and practices. The institutional settings and the scope of the responsibilities of those agencies vary among the different systems.

Competent Bodies in Austria

Apprenticeship Office (Lehrlingsstelle)

The Apprenticeship Offices have considerable duties as competent operating bodies. They are located in the regional economic chamber but act on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy. They assess and approve (together with the regional chamber of labour) apprenticeship companies. The Apprenticeship Offices also organise the final apprenticeship exams.

Competent Bodies in Denmark

The Ministry of Children and Education manages the VET system and approves VET providers. The involvement of social partners as competent bodies is stipulated by law at all levels of the system, and the self-governing VET providers are led by governing boards composed of social partner representatives.

Competent Bodies in Germany

In Germany the term “competent body” is a legal set expression for the organisations that support and monitor the provision of in-company training. For most dual training occupations, the chambers are the competent bodies. The Federal State takes over responsibilities in steering and modernizing the system. 

Competent Bodies in Luxembourg

The Department for Vocational education of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth (MENJE) is responsible for the implementation and coordination of VET on a central level. Employers and Employees are represented by five professional chambers. The chambers are among others responsible for the award of training authorisations to companies and the administration of apprenticeship contracts. The Guidance Service of the Agency for the Development of Employment (ADEM) is responsible for the recording of apprenticeship positions and for the placement of young people and adults into a contract with a training company.

Competent Bodies in Switzerland

Generally, the cantons are responsible for education in Switzerland. However, vocational and professional education and training is regulated by the Confederation in cooperation with the cantons. They are represented on national level through the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK). The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) represents the Confederation in the case of VPET.

Furthermore ,the private sector contributes substantially to the VPET-system by defining training contents, offering apprenticeship-positions and contributing to the financing of the system. The public authorities regulate their contribution.