Legal Framework

A consistent legal and strong institutional framework is a key feature in countries with mature apprenticeship systems. The legislative framework clearly spells out the objectives of the system and defines the division of roles and responsibilities of key actors. It may also set rules for interaction and cooperation and regulate the division between company-based training and school-based training.

Legal Framework in Austria

The legal basis for apprenticeship is the Vocational Training Act (Berufsausbildungsgesetz, BAG), Federal Law Gazette BGBl. No. 142/1969 as amended BGBl. I No. 185/2022, which regulates the company-based part of training in particular.

Legal Framework in Denmark

The regulatory framework for VET is based on four major laws. The laws all have national coverage and stipulate the legal structure within which the VET system functions, including programs, funding and institutional framework.

Legal Framework in Germany

The German government uses laws and regulations to set the legal framework for the in-company part of the dual apprenticeship training. The centrepiece is the German Vocational Training Act. Through this act, the State declares the entire field of non-school vocational education and training to be a public task.

Legal Framework in Luxembourg

The Luxembourgish VET system is regulated by the law of 19th December 2008  concerning the reform of the IVET and CVET system. Hence, this law also covers the regulations regarding the apprenticeship system. The code of labour law  includes specific disposals about the protection of young workers and apprentices in companies.

Legal Framework in Switzerland

The Federal Act on Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPETA) and the Ordinance on Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPETO) form the national legal framework for the Swiss VPET system. In line with the VPETA each canton issues its own cantonal legislation on VPET. SERI issues education ordinances for each VET programme (VET ordinances). Each apprentice needs an apprenticeship contract and the companies need a VET accreditation in order to take on apprentices.