Monitoring and Research

Apprenticeship systems are market driven and demand led. Monitoring of the system therefore plays an important role in ensuring its dynamism, which builds on matching supply and demand. The social partners play an active role in monitoring developments. A range of different actors including social partners, universities, consultancies and the government undertake research and studies, which feed into the development and management of the system.

Monitoring and Research in Austria

In Austria there are mainly two non-university research institutes:

ibw – Research and Development in VET (affiliated to the Federal Economic Chamber) and öibf – Austrian Institute for Research on Vocational Training (affiliated to the Chamber of Labour and the Austrian Trade Union Federation)

Monitoring and Research in Denmark

The Danish VET system is governed by target and quality performance management. Statistics play a central role in the monitoring of system performance. The legislation stipulates that the colleges must have a quality assurance system in place, and the ongoing monitoring is supported by development and research.

Monitoring and Research in Germany

VET research and monitoring are regulated in the Vocational Training Act as a main task of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB). Several university chairs for vocational education and training and independently operated institutions conduct VET research and monitoring alongside research institutes linked with social partners organisations.

Monitoring and Research in Luxembourg

Several organisations, associations, committees and exchange networks research and monitor issues related to the VET system and the labour market in general. The Training Observatory of the National Institute for the Development of Continuing Vocational Training (INFPC) for instance has been established in 2012 to treat questions related to the identification of training needs on the labour market and to the transition of young people from VET to the working life.

Monitoring and Research in Switzerland

Various entities contribute to research and monitoring regarding the functioning of vocational education and training (VET) and professional education (PE) in Switzerland. These are the Federal Statistical Office (FSO), the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET), the  Swiss Coordination Centre for Research in Education (SCCRE), various Swiss Universities specialised as leading houses in particular research areas, the Swiss society for applied research in VPET as well as researchers on individual base.

Together they generate knowledge that can serve as the basis for the development and management of the VPET system in Switzerland. The Swiss confederation supports and funds the sustainable establishment of VET research in Leading Houses and individual research projects at Higher Education institutions.