Stakeholder Cooperation in Austria

The Austrian governance structure for apprenticeships is comprised of institutions at the federal, provincial, and local level.
At the federal level the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy (BMAW) is responsible for the enterprise-based part (approx. 80% of the entire training period) of the training and the Vocational Training Act (BAG), which is the regulatory framework. The Ministry is counselled by the Federal Advisory Board on Apprenticeship (Bundes-Berufsausbildungsbeirat, BBAB). This board (with 12 members) is set up based on recommendations from social partners. Two part-time school teachers function as advisory members. The Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) is responsible for the school-based component of apprenticeship training (approx. 20% of the entire training period). It issues framework curricula for part-time vocational schools.
At the provincial level, there are nine Apprenticeship Offices (one Lehrlingsstelle in each province - Bundesland). These are situated in the regional economic chamber, but act on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy. Together with the regional chamber of labour, they assess and approve companies providing training. Moreover, they are also in charge of the support scheme for apprentices and training companies. Additionally, the Apprenticeship Offices organise the final apprenticeship exams. The Regional Advisory Boards on Apprenticeship (LBAB) provide counselling at the provincial level. They are appointed by the Provincial Governor.
At the local level, there are training enterprises and part-time VET schools, which are in close contact with each other.

- Bericht zur Situation der Jugendbeschäftigung und Lehrlingsausbildung in Österreich (Berichtszeitraum 2020 - 2021)
- BMAW (Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy): Apprenticeship – Dual Vocational Education and Training in Austria (2022)
- Lehrberufe in Österreich – Ausbildungen mit Zukunft 2022 (