Legal Framework in Denmark

The regulatory framework for VET is based on four major laws. The laws all have national coverage and stipulate the legal structure within which the VET system functions, including programs, funding and institutional framework.

The regulatory framework for VET in Denmark consists of the following four laws:

  1. The “Vocational Training Act” (Lov om erhvervsuddannelser) sets out the framework of VET, including the overall goals, admission rules and structure. It also stipulates the roles of the advisory boards, companies, Centres of Placement etc. In addition, the Act states that the minimum wage for apprentices is a matter for the collective agreement for the trade (§ 55).
  2. “The Act on general upper secondary exams in connection with vocational education and training (EUX)” focuses on the pathways leading to a dual qualification as a skilled worker and a general upper secondary certificate providing access to tertiary education (Lov om studiekompetencegivende eksamen i forbindelse med erhvervsuddannelse (eux) mv). The law sets out the common provisions of teaching at the general upper secondary level at VET colleges, thus providing the framework for EUX.
  3. The “Act on Employers’ Reimbursements Funds” (lov om Arbejdsgivernes Uddannelsesbidrag) secures the apprentices’ wages in the school-based periods of the VET program.
  4. The “Act on Institutions of Vocational Education and Training” (Lov om institutioner for erhvervsrettet uddannelse) stipulates the framework for the VET colleges as self-governing institutions and the school boards.