Involvement of Social Partners in Switzerland

In Switzerland, social partners represent the interest of employees or of employers. Since both form part of the non-public professional organisations in the public-private partnership (PPP) of vocational and professional education and training (VPET), they participate systematically at all VPET policy-making processes concerning legislative issues and the development of vocational standards. Social partners are invited to all VPET conferences and are represented in all relevant commissions and working groups.

Federal Commission

The Federal Commission for Vocational and Professional Education and Training FCVPET (Eidgenössische Berufsbildungskommission EBBK), designated by the Federal Council, advises SERI in matters regarding development and coordination of VPET on a strategic level. This ensures the alignment of the approaches in the area of VPET with general policy in education and the support of the government. The 15 members of the FCVPET represent the Confederation, the cantons and the professional organisations (trade/industry associations and social partners/trade unions).

National High-Level Conference

The annual “National High-Level Conference on Vocational and Professional Education and Training” (Nationales Spitzentreffen der Berufsbildung) has been held since 2005. The goal of this conference is to discuss recent developments in VPET at a high political level and to make strategic decisions on how to strengthen and develop the VPET system. The event serves to capture different perspectives in order to be able to respond to challenges and changes in the labour market that influence VPET. After each National High-Level Conference on VPET, a press release informs the public about the results. Sometimes a joint declaration is adopted.

Tripartite Conference of VPET (until 2019 Associated Partner Conference)

The annual “Tripartite Conference of VPET” (Tripartite Berufsbildungskonferenz, TBBK) governs the VPET system since 2020 on strategic level. It prepares for the National High-Level Conference and assures for implementation of its decision. In this function, the TBBK considers the needs of relevant actors on implementation level. These actors are organised in forums for dialogue, expert and project groups. One of the forums for dialogue is the “Associated Partner Conference” (Verbundpartnertagung) who acted as the strategic event till 2019. It always used to be a workshop-type event. This well-established and estimated format persist for and serves the VPET stakeholders to share know-how and experiences in relation to the latest challenges, themes and activities in VPET. The VPET partners include the Confederation, the cantons, professional organisations (trade/industry associations and social partners/trade unions) as well as other stakeholders in education, labour market and integration (depending on the theme of the Conference).

Autumn Conference

Every year the Confederation organises the "Autumn Conference on Vocational and Professional Education and Training" (Herbsttagung der Berufsbildung) on national level. This platform supports the dissemination of information concerning the VPET system. It includes presentations of projects and enables networking amongst VPET stakeholders.

Experience Exchange Conferences

The experience exchange conferences (ERFA-Tagungen) serve to bring together the stakeholders of the PPP to discuss good practice in an actual working field on implementation level (for example the development, organisation and application of examinations in Professional Education on tertiary level). Moreover these conferences also encourage networking activities amongst the relevant stakeholders.