Involvement of Companies in Austria

Companies are involved from the definition of new qualification requirements to the development of individual training regulations. The Economic Chamber draws on relevant expert knowledge and involves company representatives in all its operative tasks. Companies consider the dual system and particularly the enterprise-based part of training as their area of responsibility. They feel committed to apprenticeship training as this form of VET has a long-standing tradition in many professional fields (in particular in the skilled crafts sector). They provide training on a voluntary basis and at their own expense, because they are convinced that training is the best way to cover their needs for a skilled workforce. In this sense, companies see their engagement in the dual system in Austria as an investment.

  • All new training regulations are formulated according to learning outcomes and technical and interdisciplinary areas of competence
    • “Working in a company and professional environment”
    • “Quality-oriented, safe and sustainable work” and
    • “Digital work”