Incentives in Switzerland

Generally, the SMEs and MNEs involved in the provision of apprenticeship training do not receive financial incentives from the Confederation or the cantons. However they can profit from good framework conditions (infrastructure and funding) assured by the public sector. Finally yet importantly, there are many other motivating factors for businesses to invest in apprenticeship training. They can form the next generation of qualified workers and they retrieve an economic net benefit.

The main benefits have been analysed by Swiss researchers in various studies. Those studies have shown that one of the most important incentives for businesses in Switzerland to take part in apprenticeship training is the positive cost-benefit-ratio it offers. VPET mainly takes place in proper market-oriented companies (SMEs and MNEs).

Companies invest in apprenticeships as they receive the following returns:

  1. Receiving tangible benefits: Consistently over the past ten years, cost-benefit calculations for Swiss firms have shown that the productive contribution of an apprentice in a typical Swiss host company exceeds the training costs by more than CHF 6,000 (~EUR 5,500) per apprenticeship.The cost benefit ratio is closely linked to each VET-programme and there are branch specific studies available.
  2. Strengthening the image: Customers become aware of the company taking their social responsibility seriously.
  3. Knowing the latest trends: Young people bring fresh ideas and challenge old habits.
  4. Investment in the future: Well-trained employees can quickly adapt to new developments and can be a decisive factor for success. Engaging in apprenticeship training facilitates the search for suitable workers in the future and therefore prevents skill shortages in a given branch.