Funding Arrangements in Luxembourg

Public and private technical secondary schools offering courses that lead to officially recognised VET qualifications (vocational capacity certificate – CCP, vocational aptitude diploma - DAP, technician’s diploma - DT) are funded by the State. The public technical secondary schools are listed as public services in the annually voted Budget Act. They can dispose of their funds autonomously (Services de l’Etat à gestion séparée). The funds are usually used to cover running expenses as well as to acquire didactic material and workshop or laboratory equipment. The creation and sustenance of school buildings and infrastructures as well as the payment of bigger investments in equipment or furniture are financed mainly by the Administration of Public Buildings (Administration des bâtiments publics) – subordinate to the Ministry for Sustainable Development and Infrastructures – and in smaller parts by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth. The teaching staff as well as the administrative and the technical staff of public schools are considered to be clerks or civil servants and their salary is covered by the State accordingly.

Private schools offering IVET and CVET are also mostly funded by the State. They receive state grants if they fulfil certain conditions, such as conforming their VET programmes to the official curricula and assessment frameworks of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth.

For apprentices, initial apprenticeship wages vary (from EUR 356,61 to 2.445,85) depending on the trade or profession chosen. They are fixed annually by decree. Adult apprentices receive wages equal to the minimum wage for unskilled workers (EUR 2.313,38 by 1.04.2022) as defined in a 2010 Regulation (SCL, 2010b).

If the learning year is successful, a learning bonus is attributed to apprentices by the State as an addition to the apprenticeship wage. It amounts to EUR 130 for CCP (certificat de capacité professionnelle, vocational capacity certificate) and EUR 150 for DAP (diplôme d’aptitude professionnelle, vocational aptitude diploma) or DT (diplôme de technicien, technician’s diploma) per month of apprenticeship, subject to the successful completion of the apprenticeship and passing of the final apprenticeship examination.