Dealing with Diversity

In order to deal with the diversity of students and meet the demands of the labour market the VET offer is highly diverse. For challenged students there is typically a pre-apprenticeship training offer. Programmes may also be offered at different qualification levels in areas where the labour market may demand a diverse profile of the skilled worker. The apprenticeship systems also have embedded features to meet the demands of gifted students. This may take many forms such as opportunities to take a dual qualification providing direct access to the labour market as well as to general higher education, some subjects may be offered at higher levels, there may be enriched opportunities to undertake company training abroad. In some systems there are also accelerated pathways for more mature students.

Dealing with Diversity in Austria

The Austrian apprenticeship system enables diverse groups of interested people to enter into apprenticeship training. Various initiatives have been launched in order to support the successful acquisition of apprenticeship qualification for persons with various and special needs.

Dealing with Diversity in Denmark

The Danish educational system has different initiatives to address diversity, which target students with special needs, including refugee and migrant students as well as gifted students. The clear objective is that all students must reach their fullest potential, which means that teaching in VET is necessarily differentiated and holistic.

Dealing with Diversity in Germany

There is a set of measures and programmes to support young people who experience difficulties in entering a regular apprenticeship. The Vocational Training Act regulates support measures for disabled apprentices, and there are several Government initiatives to integrate specific target groups in the apprenticeship system.

Dealing with Diversity in Luxembourg

In VET, specific classes are organised where all courses are held in French for learners who don’t have sufficient language skills in German or Luxembourgish. In the lower cycle of general and technical secondary education, specific language classes are organised for immigrants with the aim to integrate them into the regular classes of the Luxembourgish education system.

Dealing with Diversity in Switzerland

Initiatives to encourage the integration of young people in VET programmes regardless of their abilities, social background or nationality are an integral part of Swiss VET, since VET is a solid entry ticket into the labour market. Specific measures are in place for very gifted young people as well as for young people with learning difficulties as well as physical or mental disabilities.