Dealing with Diversity in Germany

There is a set of measures and programmes to support young people who experience difficulties in entering a regular apprenticeship. The Vocational Training Act regulates support measures for disabled apprentices, and there are several Government initiatives to integrate specific target groups in the apprenticeship system.

Training modules

Training modules have been developed for some training occupations of the dual system. These training modules are aimed at young people who have failed to enter a regular apprenticeship. Training modules are used in pre-vocational training (Qualifizierungsbausteine §69 BBiG) and in vocational training (Ausbildungsbausteine) for these target groups, because step-by-step learning is a more conducive approach. The modules are based on typical work processes within the occupation, and the combination of all modules covers all the standards set in the training regulation. They are also used for second chance partial qualifications in the context of CVET (Teilqualifikationen).

Acknowledged two-year vocational training

Most vocational training occupations are designed as three-year training programmes. There are also 26 two-year vocational training occupations which are especially aimed at integrating people with learning disabilities into the labour market so that they can gain a qualification. In terms of training content, greater emphasis is accorded to the practice element than to the theory part (Fachpraktiker-Ausbildung §64BBiG/ §42 HwO).

Pre-vocational training

There are two types of pre-vocational training available to young people who cannot find a training place and to young people with learning difficulties, disabilities, social disadvantages or language problems. These are generally of 3–6 months’ duration. 

  • School-based pre-vocational training offers participants preparatory education in full-time schools so as to be able to comply with the demands of vocational training. This is part of compulsory school attendance, and the participants can obtain a secondary education leaving certificate.
  • Out-of-school pre-vocational training provides the participants with basic vocational knowledge in a certain field in inter- or extra-company training centres in cooperation with a company for internships. It can be credited as the first year of vocational training in related training occupations and is equivalent to the general certificate of secondary education.

Vocational training for disabled young people

Training in a recognized training occupation should be open to disabled persons. Both the Vocational Training Act and the Trade and Crafts Code make provision for consideration of their special situation by the competent bodies, e.g. by adjusting the structure of the apprenticeship, the duration of examinations and by permitting auxiliary means in examinations. Part-time training is also possible. If an apprenticeship is not suitable for a disabled person, the competent body can, upon request, issue special training regulations based on recognized training occupations. The regulations have to be designed according to the recommendations of the Board of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB). For some occupations, the special regulations are elaborated in the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training in a similar process to the regular training regulations. Training mostly takes place at special training centres (Berufsbildungswerke) which are regulated and funded under the Code of Social Law for vocational rehabilitation.

Vocational training for disadvantaged young people

Disadvantaged young people who did not obtain a placement in a regular apprenticeship are afforded an opportunity to get a placement in extra-company training. Extra-company training is delivered by a training provider that acts as substitute for a regular training company. These training providers usually cooperate with companies. Additionally, the apprentice attends the regular vocational part-time school. The objective is always to integrate the participants into regular in-company training. If that is not possible, they can complete the whole apprenticeship at the training provider. Extra-company training is regulated within the Code of Social Law and funded by the Federal Employment Agency.

The amended Vocational Training Act of 2005 opens up the option of part-time apprenticeship. There has to be a legitimate interest, usually a disability or the responsibility for a child or family members in need of care.

Provisions for other target groups

A variety of government initiatives and programmes are aimed at the integration of special groups in the dual apprenticeship system, e.g. migrants, the long-term unemployed, senior apprentices and university dropouts.

Transition from school to vocational training with measures in the field of vocational orientation and pre-vocational training is a large sector in Germany.

Out-of-school measures are regulated both via the Vocational Training Act and within the Code of Social Law (Sozialgesetzbücher) and fall under the funding and supervision of the Federal Employment Agency.

The Federal Government, for example, uses ESF funding to run the “Strengthening the youth” initiative in order to support the transition between school and profession by offering financial support to local communities and municipalities. In addition, the Federal States are also active with a variety of initiatives and measures in this field.