Developing Qualifications
The social partners have the key role in defining standards for VET qualifications to ensure the relevance to the labour market and the certification of the training. A VET qualification in apprenticeship systems is typically broad in nature embedding key competences and laying the foundation for lifelong learning.
Developing Qualifications in Austria
At the beginning of the formal process of apprenticeship development, a proposal for a new occupational profile is submitted to the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy. The preparatory work for the development of this proposal, which is usually done within the sector, is not covered by the formal process. After an initial verification, the proposal is sent to the Federal Vocational Training Advisory Board (B-BAB). The Federal Vocational Training Advisory Board makes an initial assessment (demand, potential training companies, possible vocational school locations, clarification of the apprenticeship occupation structure) and nominates experts to the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy.
Developing Qualifications in Denmark
The national qualification standards, developed by the trade committees, are described in learning objectives and fall within the legal framework approved by the Minister of Children and Education. A specific template for describing the qualifications and programme proposals is provided by the Ministry of Children and Education.
Developing Qualifications in Germany
In Germany, apprenticeship training can only take place in state-recognized training occupations. The training regulations define the content of the training in an occupation. They are elaborated together with experts from the relevant occupation in a formal procedure. The whole process follows the principle of consensus.
Developing Qualifications in Luxembourg
The curricula and assessment framework of VET programmes are elaborated by curricular teams composed of representatives of the school and the labour market side. This composition makes sure that the learning outcomes of the VET programmes closely correspond with the demand of the labour market. The curricular teams also elaborate the integrated projects which are national tests organised at the end of DAP and DT programmes and evaluated by a tripartite assessment commission.
Developing Qualifications in Switzerland
VET qualifications are developed within the frame of the public-private partnership of VET: Professional organisations define the contents and the public partners (Confederation and Cantons) assure for the relevant framework conditions. For each VET programme the SERI issues a VET ordinance, hence VET certificates and diplomas are federally recognised. VET curricula are elaborated by a committee and form the foundation for the VET teaching concept, the structure of the vocational training and the assessment of the competences of the apprentice at all three learning places.