Examination and Certification in Switzerland

There are two federally recognised formal initial VET qualifications in Switzerland, the Federal VET Diploma for 3-year and 4-year VET programmes and the Federal VET Certificate for 2-year VET programmes. Intermediary examinations and grades are displayed in reports from the vocational school. Federal diplomas and certificates are awarded after successful completion of the qualification procedure at the end of the apprenticeship. In addition, apprentices in 3-year and 4-year VET programmes may achieve the Federal Vocational Baccalaureate (FVB) if they pass an additional examination. The courses for an FVB might be taken during or after the 3-year or 4-year VET-programme and it allows for further studies at a University of Applied Sciences.

A occupation-specific VET ordinance defines the qualification procedure (Qualifikationsverfahren) for the final exams. Furthermore, the training plan describes the composition of the final marks. The confederation issues these documents. The qualification procedure usually marks the end of the apprenticeship. The final exam are supervised by the cantons and the professional organisations, since exams include the assessment of practical skills and occupational competences as well as general education knowledge. Additionally, the grade for practical experience (Erfahrungsnote) from the vocational school lessons as well as the grades for practical experience from the branch courses and the host company are assessed. The final grade for the apprentice displays the median of the weighed grades of all the subjects covered in the final examination and the grade awarded for practical experience. If an overall grade of 4 (out of grade 1=very bad – grade 6=excellent) is achieved apprentices are awarded the relevant certificate or diploma by the relevant cantonal office.