Developing Qualifications in Luxembourg

The curricula frameworks of the different VET programmes are structured into units and modules, with each module leading to the development of a certain number of competences (learning outcomes) of the concerned trade or profession.

The elaboration of the curricula frameworks (programme-cadre) for each VET programme is in the responsibility of curricular teams (équipes curriculaires). Those are composed of representatives from the school side that are proposed by technical secondary schools, and by representatives from the labour market that are proposed by the professional chambers. The curricula framework of each trade or profession consists of a job profile (profil professionnel), a training profile (profil de formation), and a training framework (programme directeur). Curricular teams also elaborate assessment frameworks (référentiel d’évaluation) for each module of a VET programme, defining the assessment criteria and methods applicable. The curricula and assessment framework cover both the school-based and the work-based learning part of a VET programme. Hence, one important mission of the curricular teams consists in guaranteeing the coherence between the learning outcomes of the school-based and work-based learning part of a VET programme. The curricula and assessment frameworks are binding for the VET teachers as well as for the trainers in companies offering apprenticeship or internship positions.

Curricular teams are also in charge of elaborating the integrated projects for the DT (technician’s diploma) and DAP (vocational aptitude diploma) programmes that replace the former theoretical and practical final exams in VET. Integrated projects are national tests assessed by a tripartite commission (équipe d’évaluation, assessment team), where the learner has to successfully cope with a simulated or real working situation in order to be eligible for the certification of a specific VET programme.

The curricular teams are also in charge of revising the curricula frameworks when necessary, since there is no specific timeframe or cycle fixed for revision. However, revisions of curricula are subject to the authorisation of the minister.

The training programmes defining the contents of the school-based modules are elaborated by National VET programme commissions (commissions nationales de formation), and based on the assessment frameworks delivered by the curricular teams. The national VET programme commissions are composed of teachers proposed by each VET school offering the concerned VET programme as well as by representatives of the professional chambers.

The training programmes define the learning situations, the contents and the learning methods of each module of a VET programme. While the curricula and assessment frameworks are mandatory and binding for the VET teachers, the training programmes on the other hand are not. Hence, VET teachers are not obliged to comply with the training programmes when developing the competences of the learners. They rather use them as a resource when designing their courses.