Developing Qualifications in Denmark

The national qualification standards, developed by the trade committees, are described in learning objectives and fall within the legal framework approved by the Minister of Children and Education. A specific template for describing the qualifications and programme proposals is provided by the Ministry of Children and Education.

The trade committee within a sector or trade is responsible for initiating proposals for new qualifications and programmes based on the skills assessments and forecasting activities and processes in place. Qualification standards are required to comply with the legislative objectives and the general rules on the requirements for knowledge, skills and competencies etc. in order to ensure that all VET programmes meet labour market needs and lead to a job, while simultaneously sufficiently matching the dynamics of the economy.

The learning objectives (competence goals) proposed by a trade committee cover both school- and work-based learning for the basic and the main programme and make up the qualifications. The proposal must describe the duration and structure of the main VET programme, including how much learning will take place in school and at the workplace respectively. On this basis, the Ministry of Children and Education and the trade committee will enter into a close dialogue in order to finalise the proposal, which will be submitted to the National Council for IVET for consultation and then finally approved by the Minister of Children and Education.

The national curriculum on every qualification or VET programme is included in the legal framework for VET by means of an executive ordinance. To offer a new qualification, VET providers have to apply for accreditation, and the trade committees are then consulted regarding the number of providers needed to offer a new programme.

In cooperation with the local training committees, VET providers develop a local curriculum for each VET programme they provide. The objective is that it should reflect local conditions. The local curriculum is the basis for teaching and learning processes at the VET college and in the company. This provides the learning objectives, which are included in the students’ individual educational plans made available on the national digital platform as a “Student plan” (Elevplan). Teachers, students and companies have access to this platform