Linking Learning Venues

The training plan is key to linking the company based part of the training and the school education. A clear distribution of responsibilities, communication and cooperation between the company and the school and clear feedback mechanisms on student progress are essential features in successful apprenticeship. The VET schools or social partner representatives will often take lead in ensuring mechanisms, which can support efficient cooperation.

Linking Learning Venues in Austria

In the apprenticeship training system, the two places of learning (dual system) are the training company and the part-time vocational school. The apprentice is in a training relationship with their training enterprise while also maintaining their status as a student at the part-time vocational school.

Linking Learning Venues in Denmark

The two learning venues are linked in different ways. The schools address the coherence between the learning venues in their pedagogical didactical strategy. Teachers visit the apprentice’s company, and the student’s personal educational plan provides a key tool for integrating and coordinating the two learning venues.

Linking Learning Venues in Germany

The training regulations as issued for each training occupation include framework curricula for the school and the in-company training. Both curricula are jointly designed to be coherent in their sequences and avoid duplications. Ideally, the in-company trainers and vocational school teachers maintain steady communication on the learning progress of the apprentice, using for instance the apprentice’s record book. The extent of the cooperation is not regulated and depends on the commitment of the involved persons.

Linking Learning Venues in Luxembourg

The unit and modular based organisation of VET programmes guarantees the coherence and synchronisation between the school and work based learning part of a VET programme. Apprenticeship counsellors represent the in-company trainer at the class council held at the end of each semester at technical secondary schools and make the link between the school based and work based training part.

Linking Learning Venues in Switzerland

The Swiss vocational education and training (VET) programmes are provided at three places of learning that collaborate closely according to the national VET legislation, the specific VET ordinances and education plan. Besides the apprenticeship training in the companies and the classroom instruction in the vocational schools, the third places of learning are the branch courses.