Part-time vocational school

In apprenticeship based training, students also attend vocational schools on a part time basis. The duration of school-based versus in-company training vary from country to country. The Part-time vocational school is aimed to reinforce what is learned through company based-training and to ensure that the student acquire knowledge, competences and skills, which are relevant to the occupation and occupational mobility. The aim is also to ensure that the school part of the programme develop students’ general competences and lay the foundation for lifelong learning.

Part-time vocational school in Austria

Twenty percent of the apprenticeship training takes place at a part-time vocational school. These schools deliver occupation-oriented specialist instruction (65%) as well as general education (35%). The organisation forms vary according to the needs of the relevant economic sector (e.g. year round, by block, seasonally).

Part-time vocational school in Denmark

The part-time vocational school of a VET programme in Denmark is divided into the basic programme and the main programme. The different subjects in the school-based part are organised into basic subjects, area subjects and specialisation subjects. If students do not have a signed apprenticeship contract, then they can undergo the practical training in a Centre of Placement.

Part-time vocational school in Germany

The apprentices in the German dual system learn the theoretical knowledge required for their occupation at part-time vocational schools, supplemented by practical training classes. School takes place either every week on one or two days or in blocks of several weeks. For training occupations with fewer apprentices, the classes can be created at regional, federal state or national level.

Part-time vocational school in Luxembourg

Part-time vocational school is organised according to the nationally fixed curricula and assessment frameworks. VET-teacher candidates do have to comply with specific qualification requirements and do have to follow a three-year induction phase. The Training Institute of National Education (Institut de formation de l’éducation nationale, IFEN) created in 2015 is responsible for the organisation of the induction phase as well as for the continuous professional development of VET teachers.

Part-time vocational school in Switzerland

With the dual-track approach to learning, learners attend courses at vocational schools on a part-time basis in combination with practical training at a host company. Tertiary-level professional education (PE) also combines classroom instruction with work-based training, thereby ensuring a smooth transition from dual-track VET programmes.