Linking Learning Venues in Luxembourg

The unit and modular based organisation of VET programmes guarantees the coherence and synchronisation between the school and work based learning part of a VET programme. Apprenticeship counsellors represent the in-company trainer at the class council held at the end of each semester at technical secondary schools and make the link between the school based and work based training part.

VET programmes are organised in a unit- and modular-based way, with each VET programme including modules for the school-based as well as for the company-based learning part. When elaborating the curricula framework of a specific VET programme, the curricular teams do match the learning outcomes developed in a school setting with those developed in the company. Hence, it is guaranteed that the process of competence development in both learning venues is synchronised and organised in a coherent way.

VET programmes organised as dual tracks with an apprenticeship contract usually include between 1 and 4 days of training per week at school, while the other days of the week, the apprentice is trained in a company. The amount of training days at school is usually higher in the first year and decreases in the following years of the VET programme. Some VET programmes are also organised in a so-called training period system. In these programmes, periods of several weeks of full-time training at a technical secondary school (usually 3 to 9 weeks) alternate with periods of several weeks of full-time training in a company.

The apprenticeship counsellors (conseillers à l’apprentissage) that supervise the apprenticeship in the training company and mediate in the case of litigations, also represent the in-company trainer at the class council taking place at the end of each semester in the technical secondary schools. Hence the training advisor guarantees the link between the teaching and training as well as the assessment in the school based and company-based learning part of the VET programme.