Linking Learning Venues in Germany

The training regulations as issued for each training occupation include framework curricula for the school and the in-company training. Both curricula are jointly designed to be coherent in their sequences and avoid duplications. Ideally, the in-company trainers and vocational school teachers maintain steady communication on the learning progress of the apprentice, using for instance the apprentice’s record book. The extent of the cooperation is not regulated and depends on the commitment of the involved persons.

The contents of the framework training curriculum for the in-company training and the framework school curriculum for the vocational schools are coordinated during the elaboration of the training regulation. This ensures that in-company training and vocational school education complement one another. The coordination procedure is regulated in an agreement between the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK) of the Federal States and Federal Government (“joint memorandum”). The curricula for the vocational schools are based on the framework curriculum. For the in-company training, the company has to “translate” the framework training curriculum of an occupation into the in-company training plan for each apprentice.

The overall aim of the in-company part of the dual apprenticeship training is the development of the professional ability to act, i.e. vocational capacity necessary for the exercise of a qualified vocational activity in a changing working environment. The trainees assume tasks in the company and learn through a planned and systematic work experience. This encompasses the knowledge of complete business and/or production processes and the ability to reflect on these. The intention is for apprentices to develop comprehension for the overall context within the company in order to enable them to act as competent professionals. At the vocational school, the students are taught the theoretical background that complements their practical experience. The joint learning with apprentices from other companies/departments also facilitates reflection on in-company learning.  Attendance of courses at inter-company training centres may be suggested in the training regulation of a training occupation. In this case, the trade association responsible recommends a timeframe for these courses. The final decision on the implementation lies with the responsible local chamber.