Part-time vocational school in Switzerland

With the dual-track approach to learning, learners attend courses at vocational schools on a part-time basis in combination with practical training at a host company. Tertiary-level professional education (PE) also combines classroom instruction with work-based training, thereby ensuring a smooth transition from dual-track VET programmes.

Vocational schools provide classroom instruction. This consists of instruction in branch specific vocational subjects as well as subjects referring to general education such as Languages, Communication and Society (LCS) for example. Classroom instruction is intended to develop technical, methodological and social skills of learners while imparting the theoretical and general principles needed to perform occupational tasks. Classroom instruction covers one or two days per week. Vocational schools also offer a preparatory course for the Federal Vocational Baccalaureate Examination.

Branch courses are meant to complement classroom instruction at vocational schools and apprenticeship training at host companies by providing learners with essential practical skills. Branch courses often take place at third-party training centres run by the industries involved.

The less common variety of initial dual VET is an entirely school-based VET programme combining class-room instructions with practical learning in school workshops School-based VET programmes are generally offered by trade schools or commercial schools.