Part-time vocational school in Germany

The apprentices in the German dual system learn the theoretical knowledge required for their occupation at part-time vocational schools, supplemented by practical training classes. School takes place either every week on one or two days or in blocks of several weeks. For training occupations with fewer apprentices, the classes can be created at regional, federal state or national level.

The framework curriculum for the school part of the dual apprenticeship training is elaborated parallel to the training regulation. It is based on the lower secondary school leaving certificate and describes minimum requirements. The framework curriculum covers the occupational part of the instruction at the school. It is generally divided into learning fields; each learning field is described with a set of learning objectives, indication on the timetable and suggested time allocations in hours. While the introduction does not regulate the methods of instruction, it covers the educational remit of part-time vocational schools and the didactical principles. The Federal States may use the framework curriculum as agreed or amend it for implementation in VET schools.

In addition to the occupational instruction, general subjects such as German and basic social science are taught at the vocational schools. Upon completion, the graduates receive a leaving certificate from the vocational school.