Part-time vocational school in Denmark

The part-time vocational school of a VET programme in Denmark is divided into the basic programme and the main programme. The different subjects in the school-based part are organised into basic subjects, area subjects and specialisation subjects. If students do not have a signed apprenticeship contract, then they can undergo the practical training in a Centre of Placement.

The basic programme

The basic programmes are uniform in structure and duration in four main areas: 1. care, health and pedagogy; 2. office, trade and business service; 3. food agriculture and experience; and 4. technology, construction and transportation. The programmes consist of two components each lasting twenty weeks. The first part (Grundforløb 1, GFB 1) is only provided for youngsters who access VET directly after compulsory education or at the latest in December the same year. Each area corresponds to a number of programmes and occupations. The purpose of the basic programme is that students should acquire broad vocational and general skills enabling them to combine practice and theory within the broad occupational field. In this way, the student is better qualified to make a choice with regard to future occupation.

The objectives of the basic programme (GF1) are the same regardless of the choice of direction. The basic programme Part 2 (GF2) is tailored to the selected main programme. It provides student with vocational, general and personal skills to ensure that they can complete the main programme. GF2 is compulsory (unless the student is 25 years or older and complies with specific conditions).

The basic subjects are part of the requirement of transition to the main programme, and the basic subjects must as far as possible be organised in conjunction with the area subjects and the specialisation subjects.

The area subjects provide the student with both general and vocational skills. Examples of area subjects are workplace culture, health in the workplace, professional documentation, and communication, innovation and society. 

The main programme

The main programmes vary from EQF level 3–5. In order to complete a main programme, the student must have an apprenticeship contract with an approved apprentice company offering training. In general, up to 75% of the main programme takes place in the company and alternates with school periods, which typically last from five to ten weeks. The subjects in the school-based training are a mixture of basic subjects and specialisation subjects.

In 2013, the concept of Centres of Placement was introduced. Students who are not able to get a contract with an employer after the school period can apply for school-based placement at the Centres of Placement. A Centre is often physically connected to a VET college. The aim of the Centres of Placement is to minimise the training at the Centre and to ensure that most of the training takes place in companies or as part-time placements based on contracts between one or more companies and the student. The Centres are responsible for organising the training and for ensuring that the student covers the learning objectives as specified in the curriculum for the practical part of the VET programme, so that the student can obtain the education certificate and become a skilled worker. Part-time placements are like ordinary placements where the employer is responsible for training and pays a salary to the apprentice.