
Apprenticeship based systems are demand and market driven, which implies that there can be challenges to match supply and demand within particular occupations, regions or in periods of economic recession. To ensure a match between supply and demand many supplementary measures are in place through guidance and through targeted marketing efforts undertaken by the social partners, the government and the schools. The marketing efforts may be organised as dedicated campaigns about the advantage of apprenticeship targeting potential apprentices, their parents and companies. Marketing campaigns may also be in the form of outreach to companies to encourage them to take on-board apprentices.

Marketing in Austria

Data show that graduates of apprenticeship programmes have good employment prospects. They reach the highest figures in the transition to employment. Many apprenticeship graduates even set up their own companies. Nevertheless, marketing the benefits of the dual system is necessary and is undertaken by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy and a number of other ministries, Economic Chambers, and many of the companies that offer apprenticeship training.

Marketing in Denmark

At any given time, a number of initiatives and campaigns are being initiated or are underway to promote the attractiveness of VET. The campaigns are initiated by both the Ministry of Children and Education and the social partners.

Marketing in Germany

Marketing and awareness-raising campaigns for apprenticeships are run throughout the year. Many stakeholders at all levels are involved in numerous activities to enhance the attractiveness of dual VET – for young people and companies.

Marketing in Luxembourg

Initiatives targeted at the promotion of VET programmes are organised by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth in cooperation with the professional chambers and other stakeholders. The professional chambers also receive specific funds by the State for the promotion and marketing of VET.

Marketing in Switzerland

The image of VET is quite positive among the Swiss population, as most citizens themselves have started their career with an apprenticeship. Generally, apprenticeship marketing respectively promotion for apprenticeships is a cantonal task in Switzerland. Cantonal VET offices being familiar with the conditions in their regions maintain contacts with local businesses, assess the number of available apprenticeship positions and offer individual support to young people. Nevertheless, promoting the Swiss Vocational and Professional Education and Training system is a shared responsibility of private and public VET stakeholders forming the public-private partnership.